Skylum Aperty Review and this just blew my mind!

Skylum Aperty review, yet another portrait editing tool?

I genuinely didn’t want to do a Skylum Aperty review as I just didn’t see the point of this new software, Luminar Neo already has some good Portrait editing tools and in all honesty I just thought this was a bit of a money grab from Skylum.

That genuinely was my thoughts on it and why I haven’t shared anything about Aperty until now, that all changed when I went on a zoom chat with the Skylum team and Julia Trotti and they explained how it all worked, it’s massive advantages and use cases of course, suddenly I was very interested in a product I had been ignoring for weeks.

So, yes, in short it is another portrait editing tool with an awful lot of very powerful AI functionality of course but do we really need another editing tool? That was my thought process watching the demo but I kept thinking this does look very good during the demo but hey things generally do look good on demos, so I still wasn’t sold on it.

That all changed when I finally got my hands on Aperty and I had a chance to play around with it for a bit and it hit me like a ton of bricks… this is going to save me hours every week.

Not only was I now converted but I was seriously looking forward to getting my hands on the finalised version and hey Skylum take my money now please 🙂

Aperty Price

Speaking of money let’s talk about how much this is going to hit your pocket, right now Aperty is going to cost you $179.- OR €219.- a year but wait there is a very special offer on right now you really should get.

Massive bargain and get yourself a lifetime special offer of Aperty here.

This I am told will give you all Aperty updates in the future and you only pay once for it, there are only about 50 licenses left as I write this and the offer ends on the 30th of September. So act fast or you will miss your chance.

Aperty use cases

If you are a portrait photographer, wedding photographer, headshot photographer or a fashion photographer then you need Aperty it’s as simple as that and forget about the cost factor as this is going to make your working time far more productive.

Aperty is going to save you from drowning under that ever growing editing mountain as you can crazily edit skin, remove skin blemishes in seconds and yes, I know other software does this also but Aperty is the first one that dropped my jaw when I saw the results from this tool, yes, it’s that good.

Wait till you hear the best feature of Aperty below, it’s mind blowing 🙂

But first let, me say that for skin smoothening and blemish removal alone this tool is worth the investment.

will be showing you how well it works later on when I am allowed to but for now take my word for it this is really good. Or have a look on the Skylum Aperty page here where they demo it.

The really crazy part about Aperty though is how precise it is, it really is frighteningly good.

It’s not perfect but remeber this is the Beta copy I am working with here and the next few versions are going to keep getting better and better.

What makes Aperty Special?

In Aperty you can of course do a massive amount of adjustments like editing makeup, eyes, lips, nose etc… but the serious time consuming part for most people is skin smoothening and blemish removal, if you are doing it right of course.

I will go into those extra features once the NDA is lifted and I will release a video too of it in action.

Now, the absolutely crazy part here is we haven’t gotten to the best part of Aperty yet… The best part of Aperty for me is that you can batch edit an entire shoot with the same settings including makep, skin smoothening and blemish removal and all the other settings in seconds.

So, if you shoot a wedding let’s say or a fashion shoot and you have hundreds or thousands of shots to edit you can now edit one shot and then batch edit the rest from there and Aperty will select the face in each photograph and apply the settings you used in the first one.

What’s even crazier is soon you will be able to edit multiple faces differently and the batch edit facility will automatically apply the correct edit to the correct face… Yes, you read that right and no I am not kidding.

There is a part of me that nearly cried when I heard that, just think of the hours of editing that will be saved on every shoot now. This is going to be worth a fortune for anyone that shoots portraits of any kind.

How and why Aperty is able to do this I really don’t care but the fact that it can is just fantastic.

Aperty Privacy assured.

VIP I should also mention here that Skylum will not be using your photographs for machine learning or using the images anywhere else, cough cough are you listening Adobe….

So, from a privacy stand point that’s amazing and you can rest assured that any NDA’s or client privacy will not be an issue here.

Aperty Future and upgrades

Skylum have commited to updating Aperty and seem set to make this the default portrait editing tool for all portrait photographers and from the Beta version I can see that happening, the future is bright and the future is Aperty.

When Skylum reached out to me originally I didn’t see a point to Aperty and now I am like a puppy jumping up and down waiting for someone to through the ball so come on Skylum throw the ball, throw the ball and release Aperty.

Aperty review conclusion

For me now this has to be by far and away the best portrait editing software out there right now. As you may have already figured out I am very excited to share more news on this and hey you should be too as this is going to be your new portrait editing software of that I am fairly sure.

Now the one slight thing you have to remember here is you might need to tweek settings from shot to shot if the light is very different in the photographs of course with batch ediitng but if you are shooting in studio it’s going to make your job a lot easier.

So, yes I am sold and I do mean completely sold, the only part that annoys me is where was this software for the last 10 years 🙂

I will obviously have a full Aperty Review here very soon but as of now this is all I can say about it and show you. When the Non Disclosure Agreemenet is lifted I will be posting a full video here and on my Youtube channel and yes, I promise to try and supress my excitement 🙂

See you out there,

Skylum Aperty Review : the best portrait editing software?

I didn't want to do this Skylum Aperty review at first but after seeing this portrait editing software in action, it kind of blew me away and it gets better...

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