Welcome to my photography tips and tricks page.
This section of my website covers everything from how to’s, photography editing and equipment use.
I have this page divided into several different sections so please just click on the section that best describes what you want to help with. You can also join me on one of my Group Photography Workshops or even better get a private one to one Photography workshop with me where I run you through a lot of these tips and techniques on the day. This area of my website will be growing rapidly over the coming months so please do check back again as there could be new articles of interest to you. As always if you have any questions on any of the below articles please do feel free to reach out to me as I am only too happy to help. You can contact me here and I will get back to you asap.

What is ISO in Photography and how to use it.
Everything you need to know about ISO and my simple ISO tips and tricks to help you master this element of photography in just a few minutes.

Manual Mode in 8 Minutes
If you think shooting in manual mode is complicated then don’t worry I got you and in just a few minutes I will have you shooting in manual mode and releasing the true potential of your camera.

Long Exposure Photography Tips and Tricks.
Harness the power of Long Exposure Photography and drag your photographs into the world of movement and contrast with my Long exposure photogrsaphy tips and tricks.

Jpeg vs Raw
Jpeg vs RAW explained simply and why you should be using RAW to maximise your camera ability.
Both formats have their advantages. I much prefer one over the other so let me taker you through it in detail.

My Secret Photography Tips and Tricks.
All my top tips on how to step up your photography today and consistently create better photographs.
Photography is not as hard as you might think it is.

Seascape Photography Tips and Tricks.
If you love the sea but you have been struggling to capture images of it then this article is for you.
I share my top tips and tricks with you here to help you capture amazing seascapes.

Seascape Photography Vlog.
Join me on one of my Seascpe vlogs where I talk you through how I capture a photograph and the process involved.

Photography Rule of Thirds.
The rule of thirds in Photography, what it’s all about and how to use it when you are out and about taking photographs.

Top 5 camera accessories: Buy them all for under €30.-
My top 5 camera accessories you should have in your camera bag at all times and the crazy part is you can buy all of them for less than €30.- in total.
Golden Hour Photography Tips
My top tips for taking photographs during the golden hours to capture gorgeous photographs in the soft romantic golden light around these hours.
How to become Professional Photographer
My Photography journey and how you too can become a professional photographer in a few steps and with a lot of hard work.
If you’re still reading this then you have gone to far on this page.
Although you may have gone too far I have to say I seriously admire your dedication 🙂
Thanks again for visiting and…
See you out there,