Nikon Z8 review is it really exceptional?

Nikon Z8 Review

Nikon Z8 review and is it worth it?

A year later : My Nikon Z8 Review.

Welcome to my long-term Nikon Z8 review and after owning this camera now for over 14 months what can I say about the Nikon Z8 other than from the very first moment I picked it up it felt like my dearly beloved Nikon D850. Every other Nikon mirrorless camera I have owned up to this point just didn’t feel quite right in my hand until now.

As you may have already guessed I have loved using the Z8 over the last year and in my mind, this has to be the best all-around mirrorless camera Nikon has made to date, sorry Z9 users but the smaller form factor and lighter weight just suit me a lot better.

Now, the Z8 has also got its issues and I will get into them in a lot more detail in the positives and negatives section of this Nikon Z8 review but for now let me just say, if I am doing a fashion shoot, product shoot, portrait shoot or wildlife shoot this is the camera I automatically reach for and yes, it’s also an exceptional landscape photography camera too.

Check out the table of contents below if you want to skip to a specific part of this Nikon z8 review.

I have a section on videography or cinematography with the z8 later on in this Nikon Z8 review.

Before we really get into this Nikon Z8 review I just want to say a camera for me is a tool it’s as simple as that and we all use these tools differently so what’s right for me may not be right for you and the genre of photography you shoot so please do keep that in mind.

Also, any negative comments I have are not hating on the Nikon Z8 but just sharing how I think it could be improved on.

So, come on let’s get into it and I will walk you through the last 14 months I have spent with the Nikon Z8.

You can also watch my full Nikon Z8 review video below.

A woman looking at the Nikon Z8 with text overhead saying Nikon Z8 Review

Initial thoughts on the Nikon Z8.

As I mentioned earlier I loved the feel, weight and grip of the Z8 from the very first moment I eagerly ripped it from the box, now if you have used any of the other Nikon Mirrorless cameras apart from the Z9 of course then you know how different they feel to their DSLR cousins.

The Z8 has a nice solid feel to it with a nice size of a grip, so your small finger isn’t constantly falling off the end of the camera grip like it does with the Z7ii for example. The controls and dials feel solid and the build quality immediately reassures you this is a premium camera you are holding.

The buttons, controls and texture of the Z8 do feel very similar to that of the D850 DSLR camera but it just doesn’t quite have the same feel or build quality as a D850, it is incredibly close though. Then again most modern cameras have slid down a slippery slope with regard to build quality when compared to their older DSLR counterparts.

So, overall the Z8 feels like a D850 with a turbocharged engine under the hood, more about that later on though… Once you get used to the controls and have had a chance to take the Z8 for a test drive, it starts to hit you that this camera truly means business and is so versatile it’s frightening.

Nikon Z8 price

The Nikon Z8 price is roughly around $4,000 at the time of writing this Nikon Z8 review and for that price you are getting a state of the art near flagship product from one of the best camera manufacturers in the world today.
So, no it’s not cheap but you do get what you pay for and considering all the features on this camera it’s a true bargain for that price.

My first month using the Z8 and what I thought.

Personally, this camera didn’t go on a shoot with me for at least two months after I bought it, there was a very big reason for this delay and I learned a lesson before with mirrorless cameras so I wasn’t about to make the same mistake again.

I wanted to get a feel for the Z8 before I took it out on a paid shoot and get incredibly used to it first, including finding out all its flaws.

But the very first time I did take it out on shoots with me I loved using it for its speed precision weight, feel and more importantly its focus accuracy, what a relief to be able to trust a camera again.

If you own or are thinking about buying the Nikon Z8 and you are looking at how to set it up then check out my video here on the “15 settings I changed immediately on my Nikon Z8”.

I talk you through all those settings I found super helpful and they helped me release the true potential of this camera.

Nikon Z8 Review : Autofocus Performance.

The big issue I had with previous Nikon mirrorless cameras was on commercial shoots as it’s all fast-paced and time is money, so when you have three models, hair and make up, a stylist and a company director all on set you need to plow through the products as quickly as possible.

With my D850 after a days shoot, I would go home with let’s say 800 photographs as they were all posed shots and everyone would be a keeper. Out of those 800 shots I may have missed focus slightly on 1 to maybe a max of 4 shots, now the point here is I would know I missed focus as it was usually my fault.

When I moved to Mirrorless a few years ago I found myself in similar conditions missing focus on 40 to 60 shots in a shoot and I just couldn’t trust the cameras as well as my D850. I had to recheck each shot and take it again if I missed focus so that took up a lot more time. Now, thankfully, I usually shoot tethered to my laptop so clients can see the images and give the ok before we move on. Yes, I tried different AF modes and none of them gave me DSLR accuracy results.

With the Z8 that accuracy was back and it nailed focus nearly every bit as well as my trusty D850 so for me this was a huge step forward for Nikon and that is when I truly fell into mirrorless cameras and could see a very bright future for them.

Nikon Z8 Review Positives

Nikon Z8 Review Positives

Nikon Z8 Review : Positives!

Amazing Auto Focus has to be the first thing to shout about as the auto focus on the Z8 is staggeringly good, it’s super positive and very fast even in low light situations where my other Z series cameras were slow and flat-out struggled to focus accurately.

The Eye Detect auto focus works well and is really fast, so if you are a portrait photographer that’s a big plus and a real time saver, incidentally you can also quickly select which eye to focus on.

For wildlife photography Animal and Bird AF are a massive step forward and the burst shooting rate of 20fps per second in Raw at full resolution makes this camera a true jack of all trades.

You have a few other really nice touches in AF also like if you shoot in spot focus and AF-C or continuous AF you can change this by going into setting A11 and then switching on “AF-C in Focus Display” to highlight the AF box in green when it’s in focus rather than having it just constantly showing in red. With the green confirmation box now you can be sure it’s in focus, that’s a nice touch and a bit of a confidence boost when you are taking the shot.

Beautiful colours, the colours from the Z8 are simply gorgeous, just like the Z9 and I think this is what sets the Z8 camera apart from all other brands out there. You need to work harder with other files to get them looking as good as the ones from the Z8 and Z9. Especially the skin tones for me are what’s selling this camera.

One of the biggest advantages to the Z8 is the firmware updates coming through from Nikon they just keep adding more to the camera and crazily they have said they will keep focusing on software updates so that’s a huge benefit. Pre-capture in Jpg was also included in the recent firmware update.

There is no Low pass filter and that helps to capture ever sinue of detail that gorgeous 46mp sensor can and let me tell you it does an incredible job at it too.

Ibis and the 5-axis camera stabilisation works wonderfully well and really helps stabalize your shoot meaning you can shoot up to 6 stops slower which is mind-blowing when you think about it.

man holding the Nikon Z7ii and Nikon Z8 cameras

Checkout my Nikon Z7ii vs Nikon Z8 review where I look at these two amazing cameras to see which one is right for you?

This might not be as simple as you think as both of these cameras have their specific uses and there is also a reasonable price difference between them too.

Image Quality Positives

The 14.2 stops of dynamic range combined with awesome colours and 46mp resolution while still rendering good high ISO performance and having a burst rate of 20FPS in raw truly make this camera one of the greatest jack of all trades Nikon has ever made and if you are shouting at your screen now what about the D850 then the Z8 kills the D850 for burst mode and then also the addition of internal 8k raw video recording, it just has to be the Z8 now and please don’t get me wrong I truly love the D850 it was a very special camera for me but the Z8 has slipped ahead of it now.

This is an odd one now but the Sensor shield has to be one of my fav new features of the Z8 as it helps protect the sensor from dust and debris when you are changing lenses out and about. As a landscape and seascape photographer that’s huge for me. So thanks for that one Nikon, I would question why it wasn’t fitted as standard to all mirrorless cameras though.

The shooting banks or memory banks are amazing also. Being able to quickly change multiple camera settings in a split second is fantastic. I have been out days shooting landscapes and turned around to see one of my kids smiling with their hair blowing in the wind or something like that and with the shooting banks I could quickly pop my camera over into my portrait settings and capture the moment before it was gone.

The real beauty is you can instantly swap back to landscape mode and carry on shooting again like those portrait shots never happened.

15 setting I changed immediately on the Nikon Z8

Check out my article on the 15 Nikon Z8 settings I changed immediately here.

I talk you through the top 15 settings, what they do and how to change them, these settings really helped me get the most out of the Nikon Z8 in most situations.

The EVF and the blackout-free shooting is great, there is also no lag on the EVF and that just makes the camera feel far more responsive again.

The back LCD display is bright sharp and colourful so it makes viewing your images very straightforward. I also like the 3 way flip screen but hey I am not lazy either I am perfectly willing to get down to my camera’s perspective to capture a shot and in all honesty I generally prefer to do that because I often find when you put yourself in that position you see the image and surrounding views completely differently to what you see looking through a screen.

I also like the mix of CF Express and SD card slots but if you are using your SD card slot as your backup then you need a very fast SD card for high fps burst mode otherwise the SD card just won’t be able to keep up with the camera.

The dual USB C sockets are very handy so you can use a data cable for tethering the camera while also powering the camera via the second socket, I will be getting back to tethering later on, ye don’t get off that easy Nikon.

So all in all the Z8 just oozes quality in every area but hey there are also a few issues with it. Heck, nothing is perfect.

Nikon Z8 Review Negatives

Nikon Z8 Review Negatives

Nikon Z8 Review : Negatives!

The negatives of the Z8 have to be the battery power, the weight of the camera and yes I know I also said that was also a positive 🙂 and the design of the internal cooling which does let the camera down in longer 8k raw recordings causing the card and camera to overheat. I will get into these points in more detail below…

The final reason why I just couldn’t use this camera on shoots for a month was I just couldn’t get used to that shutter sound and physically missing the slap of the shutter. Every time I would press the shutter button I would cringe inside and reminisce to that beautiful thud the D850 gave with every shutter actuation.

Yes, I know that may seem odd but when I look back at it every time I took a shot that slap and shutter sound was the confirmation that I had captured the moment and now it has been replaced by a noise. I did get over it though and when I look back at it now it does seem a bit stupid but hey at the time it did put me off it slightly so be prepared for that.

Battery power and the Z8 using the ENEL15C is great but with the faster processor and higher burst rates and of course, raw video recording codecs the battery does drain very quickly. Having multiple batteries is the simple solution here though, if you plan to cover a wedding I would have 5 extra batteries with me just in case and while you might only use 3 or 4 it gives you peace of mind having the spares.

You can also use USBC PD to prolong the life of your battery so that’s handy too or even better charge your battery when you are driving to a different location.

An even better solution is to use a V-mount battery because of their very high battery capacity they will last forever, if you shoot video or do very long shoots V mount batteries are great, you can connect the battery to the camera via a D tap to ENELE15C dummy battery connecting cable that simply pops into the Nikon Z8 battery compartment and powers the camera from there.

This will power the camera all day for you if you want as the V-mount batteries generally start at 50Wh to 99Wh capacity and go up to over 200Wh capacity, the standard ENEL15C battery has a capacity of just 16Wh so you can see straight away these batteries will last 5 to over 10 times longer depending on the capacity of battery you buy.

You can buy the D-Tap to ENEL15C and a range of V-mount batteries on the Neewer official website here.

Don’t forget to use my discount Code HAYES 21 to save 21% off all their products worldwide. 

The weight of the Z8 feels great in the hand and it feels great with the 24-70 F2.8 or 70-200 F2.8 lens attached as it balances beautifully but it is heavy and if you hike a lot that extra weight in your camera bag could niggle away at you over a few hours of a hike. So it’s something to consider and then think of all the extra batteries you may need compared to say the Z7ii as it all adds up.

The internal cooling or maybe you could say lack of it is one of the bigger issues with the Z8 and this is where we are going to start with our video recording section of the Z8 even though it also affects photographers shooting in burst mode for long periods or in high ambient heat.

The Z8 is a powerhouse of a camera and powerhouses generate heat but the Z8 is a compact body and there is nowhere for the heat to really go so that heat builds up and you get a hot card and hot camera warnings after some strenuous use.

This is not a fault in the Z8 as the camera is weather-sealed so it can get slightly wet and not ruin it but is there going to be a more video-focused version coming out without weather-sealing? I for one can see that happening.

This all brings me to a huge issue I have with the Nikon Z8 and this is widespread as it’s a problem with all Nikon Z8’s, well it’s not really the camera that’s the issue but more the fact you can no longer shoot tethered in Lightroom with the Z8 since the recent firmware update. Up until that update tethering worked perfectly in Lightroom.

A man holding the Manfrotto Befree Advanced tripod with text saying the best travel tripod of 2024?

Is the Manfrotto Befree Advanced Tripod the best travel tripod of 2024? 

Checkout my full Befree Advanced tripod review here where I talk you through my initial thoughts on it.

I have been using this tripod now for several weeks and I am loving it.

Tethering is connecting your camera to your computer so when you take a photograph it goes straight into Lightroom immediately and can be seen on a large screen so clients can see the end result straight away.

Now, imagine the fun I had on a shoot when I tried to tether my camera to my screen for the client to proof the images while we shot them only for the tethering not to work as I updated my camera the day before.

Thankfully I had of course a spare camera with me so I pulled out the Z7ii and did the shoot with that, for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what happened to the Z8 until other users also had the same issue.

Incidentally, Adobe has said it’s a Nikon issue and not an Adobe one so please fix this Nikon ASAP…

Now there is a work around you can use to still auto import your images in Lightroom but it’s a bit clunky, you can use Nikon NX Tethering to get the images onto a specific folder on your computer and then get Lightroom to watch that folder and auto import images from there then. It does work but it’s slower and when you are waiting for the client to proof shots it takes twice as long then.

At the end of the day, I completely love the Nikon Z8 and it’s an incredible camera for nearly any genre of photography so if you are thinking about buying it then just stop thinking and go for it as this camera just keeps getting better which brings us to firmware updates.

Nikon Z8 Review Firmware Updates

Nikon Z8 Review Firmware Updates

Nikon Z8 Firmware Updates are the key.

Nikon has committed to keep providing updates for the Z8 and recently they just kept adding new features to the Z8 as well as auto focus improvements…

Looking at the major updates then we have like…

AF improvements in version 2.0

Bird AF is now included in subject detection.

Pixel Shift technology so you can get huge file sizes, this is done by the sensor shifting slightly internally so the images can be stacked to create ultra-high resolution images.

Rich tone portrait and what’s wonderful about rich tone portrait is how customizable it is, you can set it exactly the way you want it.

With more firmware updates constantly being rolled out we can hope for more AF improvements and a few new features too hopefully.

It’s this commitment to firmware updates that makes Nikon and the Z8 a really strong option for photographers and videographers going forward.

Speaking of firmware updates…

If you are wondering how to update to the latest firmware then check out my video and I will guide you through the process in a few simple steps.

Nikon Z8 Review for Video use.

This all brings us to shooting video on the Z8 and wow this is what sets this camera apart from most other cameras out there today, with 8k 60p raw internal recording this camera is a pure animal.

Then with its simply stunning dynamic range you, can pull back underexposed shadow detail for amazing results. I read an article recently that ranked the Z8 up there with cameras costing over 4 times its price, so the days of Nikon being just for photographers are gone this is a true hybrid camera.

Nikon has mentioned they will be wandering into the Cinema lens market now too soon so we can expect another exceptional range of lenses to start rolling out shortly I hope. This is again a huge boost for Nikon video shooters even though the Z series of lenses are incredibly good the cinema range can only be a lot better.

There is also a vast array of cages, rigs and accessories now specifically designed for the Nikon Z8 with more companies producing more video accessories now for Nikon cameras as they see the potential for growth in that market. The beauty of this is you can easily set up your video rig exactly as you want it now.

Speaking of Cages, Rigs and accessories, checkout my Nikon Z8 rig set up video where I run you through not one but three video rigs I use with my Z8.

I talk you through how to build them, what I use them for as well as a few other little tips and tricks you may not know.  

Nikon buying Red and their future

Nikon buying Red has certainly put a nice glow on Nikons future in the videography or Cinematography world. We could and will soon start to see a better mix of technology from both companies which will really push both of them forward and only reap massive rewards for Nikon and Red consumers.

Nikon could gain massively from using Reds codec and of course their years of producing high end video cameras and all the experience that goes with it. The real question is will we see RedCode Raw in a Nikon camera body in the near future?

Personally, I always thought we wouldn’t see the Red Raw codec in a Nikon body but boy did Nikon throw the cat in amongst the pigeons when it said it will also be releasing a full range of Cinema line lenses, this must have sent shivers down the spine of Canon and Sony as suddenly there this is now a massive new player in town. We could really see the Nikon range of hybrid and video cameras not only trying to compete with the best in the business but actually becoming the best in the business.

Nikon of course have an obligation to RED and to keep them going full speed so I am guessing we won’t see a global shutter in a Nikon body for a long time yet. When that day comes though it could all happen really quickly and remeber Red have been at this for a very long time so there will be no guess work here.

Speaking of lenses I have to say the current line up of Z series S line up of lenses are fantastic for video work also. They focus very quickly with limited focus breathing and of course they are pin sharp as well. This again has only added more creditibility to their name in the video market.

It’s amazing to think only a few years ago Nikon bodies were seen as still cameras only due to their very limited abilities as video cameras and now we have the Z8 and Z9 which are class leading hybrid video cameras.

My videography journey started with the Z6ii and it has progressed rapidly thanks to companies like Formatt Hitech who constantly support me in my ventures and are always happy to sort me out with filters and to help me achieve the results I want or need.

Neewer over the last 8 months has also really helped me step up my videography dare I say Cinematography game with their awesome range of accessories for the Nikon Z8.

Now why did I mention those companies? Well, because with videography there is so much more involved than just the camera, there is a whole raft of equipment and a team of people that are needed to produce your shot, but with the Z8 in your hand, you know you are at least starting on the right foot.

Now if you need a better camera then the Z9 is going to be the one to go for here as the larger chassis or body will help the camera stay cool and you should have a lot less trouble with hot card warnings then.

Nikon Z8 Review Conclusion

Overall it’s a huge thumbs up for me and I truly love the Nikon Z8, it is without doubt one of the best cameras I have ever owned and I love using it. So, as I said earlier if you are thinking about buying the Nikon Z8 then stop thinking and just do it, you can thank me later.

My full Nikon Z8 video rig build is here if you want to build a rig for as little as $200.- and onwards for your Z8, I have three different rigs in the article.

See you out there,

Please note this review may contain affiliate links and I may make a slight commision from them but they don’t cost you anything and they help me run this website, so thank you.

Nikon Z8 Frequently Asked Questions

Nikon Z8 Review : Extraordinary or exhausting

Welcome to my long-term Nikon Z8 review and after owning this camera now for over 14 months what can I say about the Nikon Z8 other than from the very first moment I picked it up it felt like my dearly beloved Nikon D850. Every other Nikon mirrorless camera I have owned up to this point just didn't feel quite right in my hand until now.

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