Welcome to my Neewer Discount code page and review section.
I am very happy say that I can now offer you a 21% off Neewer Discount Code for all my clients readers and followers so please do feel free to use it and save yourself money on the awesome range of Neewer products.
Neewer Promo Code
The good news is my Neewer Discount code works all year round and worldwide via their official website where they have a massive range of products.
I already have well over 15 Neewer products in my studio now and I have only had seriously positive experiences with every single one of them.
The Neewer products are well built, they look professional and also amazingly offer fantastic value for money. I persoanlly use everything from stuido light wall brackets, studio light stands, strobes, all the way though to the smaller items like a set of rolling wheels for my studio light stand that has my remote monitor and a few other bits on it too.
I take my photography and videography incredibly seriously and I am happy to say this new partnership with Neewer has only helped me in my pusuits and heck even saved me a bit of money also.
I use the awesome Neewer Q4 400 watt battery powered strobe with a Neewer 65cm Parabolic softbox and the Neewer wireless Remote trigger which just pops on the camera and makes controlling the lights so easy.
When I am shooting out in bright light and I need a bit of power to beat the sun into submission the Q4 works wonders with the 65cm softbox and the wireless remote.
I would never recommend something I wouldn’t use myself and as I have now taken on an ambassador role with Neewer I will be looking at a lot more of their products and sharing my reviews and thoughts on them soon.
Right now you can read the below reviews on their products….
Neewer Q4 Flash Review
Battery powered 400 watt portable studio flash review.
Neewer Z2 Review
Nikon compatible 72 watt powered strobe.

Neewer TL60 Review
The best tube light for under $200.-
I should also mention if you use my discount code I might get a slight commission for any qualifying sales but it costs you nothing to use the it in fact you save 21% so that’s a serious positive then:-)
As I mentioned above I have always had some serious faith in the Neewer range of products and as I am now dealing a lot more with them this confidence has only grown.
Even looking at the Q4 battery powered studio light and the quality unit you get for the price it’s completely nuts. The current prices… is €519.- in Ireland and then you get 21% off with my Coupon code which makes it incredibly cheap for a 400 watt strobe, that’s what I mean when I say this stuff is crazy cheap but still really well built.
See you out there,
My Exclusive Neewer Discount Code 2025 : Save money today!

My Neewer Discount Code HAYES21 saves you 21% off all their amazing products via the Neewer website and can be used worldwide.