Luminar Neo release date, when can you get your copy?

Luminar neo Release date!!!
Luminar Neo is now available to download (10th of Feb 2022) only if you are one of the 30,000 early bird customers.
You can read my full Luminar Neo Review and tutorial here.
So when will the rest of us get it?
The official Luminar Neo release date is something I am crazily not allowed to share with you until the software has actually been released, make sense of that if you can!!!
I have known the date now for a while now and all I can say is that I earlier predicted the Luminar Neo release date to be “Mid February 2022” and let’s just say I was not too far off.
EDIT… Actually if you go to the Skylum website they now state the release date is the 17th of February 2022 as it’s out there in public I am no longer breaking any embargo as they have already shared the info. Crazy they would share the release date and for some reason I can’t.
Now if you are sensing a bit of annoyance here then you are not too far off the mark as right now some of this just isn’t making sense to me.
I completely understand that companies want to release software and make a bit of a song and dance about it but then should it not be the finished software version?
Yes, it should and I know that Skylum are pushing the boat out with this software and that’s not easy especially for a company of their size when they are competing with and honestly beating giants like Adobe when it comes to features, price and timing of releases.
Do I still think Neo is going to be good bit of photography editing software?
Yes, I certainly do but I have to say it feels as though this has been rushed and that worries me. I believe it will take another two or three months at least for us to see a proper near finished version of Neo on our desktops. So just be prepared for that.
Final thoughts.
Congratulations Skylum on what you have achieved to date with your Luminar products and Luminar Neo is no doubt going to be a success but there are a few things that I have to get off my chest. I think that if the new pricing structure that I have seen comes out then people are not going to be happy about it. I am still hoping they backtrack on that and I have emailed over my concerns.
There will also be no discount code for Luminar Neo which is a bit of a pity as that was always a nice reward for my readers and clients.
I am sorry for venting but I am getting a lot of emails about release dates and specs and it’s just infuriating that I can’t disclose any info to ye so it’s easier for me to write it all down in one space and direct people to this blog post.
I am always honest with my reviews on here and when I don’t like something I will just say it straight out even if it’s about a company that I have a close working relationship with (like I have with Skylum).
Rant over, do with that info what you will and I will as always let you know when Neo is out officially when I am allowed too. So expect an update fairly soon.
Please feel free to check out my other Photography editing software reviews below.
ON1 including ON1 Photo Raw 2024 Review and check out my ON1 Promo code here for 20% off.
See you out there,