My indepth review of the Luminar Neo Beta copy and the Luminar Neo release date.
My Luminar Neo Beta copy and my thoughts on
I have my full up to date Luminar Neo review and tutrial here. With all the latest features reviewed.
Luminar Neo was available to download on the 10th of Feb 2022 if you were one of the 30,000 early bird customers. I have an blog post here on the official luminar Neo Release date here if you want to read a little more about it.
Luminar Neo is available to download now in the Beta form if you have already bought it, I have all the details on my blog post here on how you can download Luminar Neo right now.
All the information you need to know about Luminar Neo is below in both this post and the videos attached showing what’s included in Luminar Neo and what’s coming soon to this new software from Skylum.
You can check out my Luminar Neo Discount code page here

Before we go any further I highly recommend you have a look at my two Luminar Neo Beta videos below to see what’s included in this software and to show you how much faster it is.
Then I will explain to you the differences between Luminar Neo and Luminar AI. I have to stress this is not the finalised user interface so the end product will look different. Luminar Neo looks very similiar to Luminar AI right now and obviously there was always going to be similarities between them as after all they are both bits of editing software so don’t shoot the messenger on that one 🙂
I will tell you more about the Luminar Neo release date also below and it’s not as black and white as you might think thankfully you may not be waiting till February 2022 again I explain that below.
Luminar Neo vs Luminar AI
I have a full review on Luminar Neo vs Luminar AI here but basically the main differences between Luminar Neo vs Luminar AI are… the improved processing engine in Luminar Neo, Powerline removal AI, Dust spot removal AI and Relight AI. The next big difference is of course the reintroduction of layers to Luminar Neo which will be a very welcome sight for most people.

My intention was to post a Luminar Neo Beta review but firstly this isn’t truly a Beta version this is just a media version, which is something to give (yes you guessed it) the media to give them an idea of what’s in Luminar Neo. Now this software is not truly usable as of yet and while most functions work I don’t think it’s at a fair review stage just yet.
Now let me just jump in here and say what Skylum are trying to do here is something really cool and this platform I am told is one that can be built on so fingers crossed we won’t have any issue with catalogues etc… in future builds.
To give you an idea of what I mean then it’s probably worth your while to having a look at the technical build review I did in the video below where I show how Powerline removal AI, Dust Spot removal AI and Relight AI both did and didn’t work for me.
So basically, I am a bit disappointed to not the full Luminar Neo Beta copy as of yet but I am told it’s coming soon. Incidentally nobody outside of Skylum has this software as of yet. My First use of Luminar Neo I was giving a 1 star review which for me would be hard thing to do as I respect what they are doing but after using my own photogrsaphs in the Luminar Neo Beta version I have to say it worked and I had very few issue with it. I have to stress again at this stage that this software as of yet doesn’t exist so there is no point in me giving you my opinion on it as that just wouldn’t be right. After listening to the CEO of Skylum talk about Luminar Neo’s development and what they have planned and what’s coming out I was 100% behind this software and nothing has changed there.
Luminar Neo release date
The date Skylum have released for the official Luminar Neo release date has been set to February 2022 but it’s not as simple as that as there will be an early prerelease of the software to early bird purchasers. As of yet I can’t say when this will be as I signed a non disclosure agreement with Skylum but I can hint it will be sooner than you think :-). So if you purchased it the early bird offers then you will get e pre release copy of it and when the final version comes out in February you can upgrade to that free of charge of course. Speaking of offer please do check out the Luminar AI and Luminar Neo offer prices below. I will be updating this blog post once any new information is available on Luminar Neo so please do subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up to date on my latest videos.
Don’t forget to check out my Luminar Neo Review page here where I have the latest news on Neo and save a bit of money with my Luminar Neo Promo code here
Please feel free to check out my other Photography editing software reviews below.
ON1… Including my ON1 Photo Raw 2024 Review, ON1 Resize AI 2023, ON1 NoNoise AI 2023 vs DeNoise AI and check out my ON1 Promo code here for 20% off.
If you want to learn more about Photography in a nice relaxed enjoinment then why not then why not attend one of my photography workshops.
If you have any questions on any of the above then please do feel free to reach out to me as I am only too happy to help.
See you out there,