Formatt Hitech Sale & special offers

The Formatt Hitech sale and special offers happen all year round.
I have a Formatt Hitech Discount code page here that works for both the USA website and the worldwide website also.
The discount code is HAYES10 and this gives you 10% off all Formatt Hitech products all year round. Sometimes they also offer extra discount codes or special offers which I post on my discount code page.
Formatt Hitech have sales over the course of the year and they also run special offers frequently, On some of these sales and special offers you can also use my discount code and simply add it at checkout to get the extra discount.
So make sure to get the best offers available please check out my special offers page here.
I can also offer you discounts off several other products like editing software, camera bags, tripods etc… to find out more about that click on Discounts in the site menu.
If you have any questions about photography filters then do please feel free to ask me, simply reach out via the contact me page.
See you out there,