An Interview with Christian Hoiberg Photography

My Interview with Christian Hoiberg Photography
I’m Christian Hoiberg, an internationally awarded Norwegian Landscape Photographer.
Nature and photography is my way to disconnect and I love bringing you along to the known and unknown locations I visit on this journey.
During the winter season I spend most of my time guiding photography workshops in the picturesque areas of Northern Norway and the Arctic Borders. You’ll also find me guiding in Greenland and the Faroe Islands and a few other picturesque areas during the year. When I’m not on a tour I’m most likely pressing buttons on the keyboard, trying to formulate tutorials and content for my website CaptureLandscapes, where I aim to help you develop the skills needed to improve your photography. I’m also a regular contributor for Digital Photography School and occasionally share content on websites such as PetaPixel and DIY Photography.
I’ve had my photography published in various magazines and online publications such as NPhoto Magazine, Digital Photographer, Landscape Photography Magazine, CameraPixio and Resource Travel.
My images and/or content have also been licensed to several private and commercial clients such as Adobe, Manfrotto, GoreTex, Heinemann, Synology and BenQ for various purposes.
How I got to know Christian
Christian has been a friend now for too many years (well for him anyway) and like most of the photographers I have interviewed for this series I got to know him through social media. I loved the contrast of his work from snow filled mountain scenery to beautiful seascapes, it has been a pure pleasure to see his passion become more than that for him and become his full time job.
A few years ago Christian asked me to write an article for his excellent website Capture Landscapes where he educates photographers with incredible articles and one average article (mine) :-). I have always followed his work and I am looking forward to meeting him in Lofoten, Norway someday.

1.- How and when did you first get interested in photography?
I’ve been interested in photography ever since I was a kid and used to steal my mom’s point-and-shoot and run around the neighbourhoods. Later on, after having my first afterschool job, I was able to save up and buy myself my first DSLR.
I kept exploring the nearby woods and creeks, and always had the camera with me when going out. For the longest time I didn’t care about settings and just happily pointed the camera at things in front of me. However, I came to the point where I got an urge to learn how to capture better images, so I started reading up on the fundamentals. Once I saw how big difference applying the “correct” settings and a good composition made, I got hooked and have never turned back since.
2.- If you could go on a photo shoot with anyone who would it be and why?
This is a tough question to answer and I’ve tried to come up with a good answer but it’s impossible to only name one person. I’ve been fortunate to travel and photograph alongside a variety of different photographers, some of whom have been direct students of Ansel Adams, and I always find these experiences and conversations noteworthy.
There are so many talented photographers and interesting personalities out there and, to be honest, I’m excited about being out in the field with any like-minded people.
3.- If you could give a younger version of yourself a bit of advice on photography what would it be?
Don’t wait so long before you start putting effort into learning the fundamentals of photography. It’s fun to go out and ‘snap’ but if you really want to capture better images, you’ll need to dedicate time for it.
I’d also remind myself to stay curious. Don’t get too locked up in one style or genre, keep having fun and photograph the subjects you enjoy photographing.
4.- If you could only pick 5 photographers to follow on Instagram who would they be?
There are so many incredible photographers out there that it wouldn’t be fair to only select 5 photographers to follow. Instead, I want to share 5 photographers who’s got less than 5000 followers but deserve your following:
@janis.dzerve – @jilliansouthon – @oyvindb_photography – @ronjansen_eyeseelight – @clement.coudeyre
5.- What’s the number one place on your photography bucket list right now?
Right now I’d be happy to hop on a plane and travel anywhere but seeing that I should’ve been there photographing right now; the US. More specifically, storm-chasing out of Denver, CO.
6.- What is your top photography tip for anyone looking to improve their photography?
Stay curious and be willing to learn. Never think that you know everything, I don’t think anyone does. There’s so much to photography and there’s no right and wrong.
Don’t be afraid to try different things. It’s easy to become too fixated on the ‘extreme landscapes’ as they tend to do well on social media but try to care less about the likes and more about the art you create.

7.- What was the worst mistake you made on a shoot?
I’ve made many mistakes that’s resulted in broken camera gear or lost images but the one that stands out is a little weekend adventure I had many years ago, before doing this full-time.
I’d planned to drive from home and to the west of Norway to photograph a certain mountain area and the forecast looked promising. I packed my gear and hopped in my car and started the 7 hour drive out. When I got there the light was quite nice so I figured I’d take some shots before setting up camp. I turned on the camera and saw that the battery was empty. No problem, that happens and is why I always bring 4-5 spare batteries. However, the next one was also flat, and so was the next. Turned out I had forgot to charge my batteries after a wedding I shot the last weekend.
Since I was spending the weekend sleeping in a tent, I hadn’t brought a charger either. In pure frustration, I got in the car and drove the 7 hours back home. Turned out to be a 14 hour drive in total and all I got was a lousy shot. Looking back at it now, I should’ve just stayed and enjoyed a weekend in the wild!
8.- Who inspires you as a photographer?
There are many photographers that inspire me but what inspires me most is the time spent outdoors. Either with or without a camera in hand. If I ever struggle with motivation I find that a hike helps clear my mind. I also find that I’m inspired by a lot of different styles of photography. I enjoy quality work regardless of it being landscapes, commercial or digital art.
9.- What music do you listen to while editing photographs?
Not sure what genre it would be but some type of relaxing beats or deep house vibes. That being said, I listen to all types of music and sometimes podcasts too. But I’m not good at having vocals when needing to focus.
10.- What’s your best bit of photography gear in your bag?
It’s not technically the best but my 100-400mm is a lens I don’t leave behind. I love having the possibility to focus only on a small part of the landscape.
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview Christian, some really interesting answers and that 14 hour drive wow!!!
So this is my final question for you but this time it’s about the future and what you are looking forward to in the coming year?
2020 has become a different year due to the Covid-19 virus and the entire travel industry is hit hard. Right now all the workshops for 2020 remain uncertain but I’m excited to be offering day trips and guided tours to anyone visiting the Lofoten Islands.
This year I expect that will be mostly Norwegian tourists but I look forward to welcoming back foreigners and showing them around our beautiful islands once the borders reopen. Capture Landscapes Website, Christian Hoiberg Website I would highly recommend that you check out Christian’s website Capture Landscapes as he has some amazing tutorials and blog posts on photography there.
Have a look at my photography tips and tricks section in the menu where I cover everything from…
ND Filters explained and how to choose the right ones,
Seascape Photography explained,
Long Exposure photography tips,
How to backup your photographs,
Thank you for taking the time to read this interview and please do checkout Christians social media and give him a follow.
See you out there,