Topaz DeNoise AI Version 3.6 what’s new and is it worth it?

DeNoise AI V3.6 what’s new and should you update?
First things first Denoise AI version 3.6 was released on the 16th of March 2022 and it brings several improvements with it. I will expand on these points further down in the post.
How do you update to Denoise AI Version 3.6 and get 15% off?
That’s a fairly straight forward process as when you open DeNoise AI it should automatically prompt you to update the software to version 3.6.
If your 1 year free updates time has passed and you are looking to update to Version 3.6 then please feel free to use my Topaz Labs Promo code (click here to get it) to get 15% off, the really cool thing about my Promo code is that it also works on special offers and can be stacked on top of it for extra savings.
I get a a slight commission for any sales made with my promo code but I also pay for a tree to be planted with every sale made and don’t forget you get 15% off so it’s a win-win for everyone.
DeNoise AI Version 3.6 update improvements.
- New Raw Model… Topaz Labs have updated the RAW Model in DeNoise AI to not only include new formats from a few different companies including Fujifilm and DJI. They have also improved support for linear DNG photographs and non-raw file formats
- Improved file saving… the process of saving your edits has been improved and also the you can now overwrite files directly from DeNoise AI.
- There have been several stability and bug fixes… DeNoise AI V3.6 has had several bug fixes implemented most notably a few memory leaks have been dealt with which will help improve the overall performance of DeNoise AI. There have also fixes like the auto setting no longer having the same auto setting being applied in batch view mode. There was also an issue where sometimes you would have problems closing DeNoise AI if there was no photo selected which has also no been fixed.
- Improved results…From my tests I have found the new update has helped the end results yet again in both image detail and noise reduction. It’s not a major improvement but I will take every bit of help I can get.
DeNoise AI V3.6 Updated RAW Model
In Denoise AI Version 3.6 you can now use the update RAW model on more camera file types like the addition of Fujifilm and DJI raw file formats. This basically means you can use DeNoise AI on your unedited files where you have the most amount of detail and information for the AI model to work it’s magic and remove as much noise as possible before you start your editing and degrading your file.
In essence you can kill noise at the source before you start to amplify it even more through editing.
So a big thumbs up to Topaz Labs for continuing to support us noisy photographers out there and help improve our tool sets so we can get those shots.
I have a full List of Camera models supported in the Raw Mode of DeNoise AI Version 3.6 at the end of this page.
The Raw Model also works with non-raw images like JPEG files and TIFF files Topaz Labs stress it is very important not to edit these files before processing them in DeNoise AI to get the best results possible.
Improved File Saving in DeNoise AI V3.6
The process of saving your edited images in DeNoise AI V3.6 has been improved in that you can now overwrite images directly in DeNoise AI which helps to streamline your workflow and more importantly as we will get to next you will notice the saving process or exporting process is now faster due to the Bug fixes explained in the next part below.
Bug Fixes and DeNoise AI improvements.
There have been several minor bug fixes in DeNoise AI V3.6 but most noticeably is the improvement in memory usage or the killing of some memory leaks as Topaz Labs have said. This has helped to streamline the software and help improve performance which again saves time.
I haven’t noticed a big difference between the two but in Topaz’s defence my desktop is a beast running at 5.2ghz on 8 cores and has 64GB of Ram. If you are using a slightly older or lower spec machine there should be a more noticeable performance improvement.
The one addition I will add in here is batch processing where the differences become even more apparent in speed.
The improvements in DeNoise AI V3.6 may not be staggering but they are there. I have tested several files now and found the edge detail and noise reduction to be slightly better.
As I mentioned above I will take all the help I can get when shooting a wedding in a small dark and the Priest insists on no flash photography during the ceremony. Shooting at very high ISO’s is always going to be a noisy affair… but that’s where DeNoise AI just takes over and recovers a photograph through sheer black magic.
So is DeNoise AI V3.6 worth the update?
Well if you have the free update option read no further and just do it….
If need to upgrade your license to update then you need to ask yourself is the payment worth the improvement?
If you are a Fuji or DJI user then the answer will probably be a yes. If you need a bit better perfomance from DeNoise AI then you are probably also going to enjoy it. Just always remember you are not just paying for one upgrade as over the 12 months of free update you should get an extra bonus in there too.
Finally if you are not using Gigapixel AI and Sharpen AI I highly recommend you have a look at my reviews of them and consider the Image Quality bundle which include Gigapixel AI, DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI.
I have a full reviews of DeNoise AI here and I also have full reviews of Gigapixel AI Review here, Sharpen AI review here and don’t forget the Image Quality bundle Review and details here.